Fuq Review
Fuq is Porn Aggregator or just calling it simple porn search engine with huge quantity of porn videos.
There are links at the top of the page to view the Most Popular Videos or the New Videos. A look at the New clips gives you an idea how fast Fuq is growing. In the last hour alone, more than 2,000 New clips have been listed on the site. I don’t know how sustainable that kind of growth is, but at that rate they’d add 17 million new clips in a year.
Well, the truth is that the owners of Fuq tube, which looks a lot like iXXX, did us perverts a service by setting up a porno search engine. They could have just parked a couple ads on the domain and called it a day. Even a half-assed sex site at that address would have made bank. Instead, we get a massive, searchable index of more than fifty million dirty movies, all watchable for free. They call it The Place To Be For The Best Porn Videos.