3Movs Review

3Movs - 3Movs

Let’s check out 3 Movs! It seems like every five minutes there’s a new porn tube site put up on the internet. I watch a shit ton of porn in order to write these reviews, and I can’t even keep up. Porn tubes and porn aggregators seem to be the most popular kind of porn site these days, since the model became popular in the early 2000s, and for good reason. I don’t know about you, but I’ll take an endless selection of easily accessible porn videos over trying to sift through thousands of pics on a forum or an image database any day.

With so many porn tubes to choose from (and more cropping up every single day), it can be hard to come to a decision on which ones to frequent. I think it’s good to have a few go-to sites and cycle through them when one starts to feel a bit stale. Plus, they all seem to have slight differences with respect to what types of content they tend to favor. And, of course, there are hundreds of shitty porn tube sites out there and only a few truly exceptional ones.

How can you tell a shitty porn tube from a quality one? Well, I’m not just going to give out my formula. I gotta keep you coming back to to read my reviews. If I just gave you a checklist, why would you bother? But, that’s okay, I don’t mind doing the work for you, so that you can get to fapping worry-free. I am more than happy to save you some time (so long as it means that I keep getting paid to watch porn … ah, what a life).

High-Resolution Fuck Fest
That being said, today we will be looking at the porn tube site known as 3movs.com. Launched in 2004, 3 Movs rips clips and videos from high-quality studios and puts in extra work to ensure that the videos don’t lose their quality in the ripping process. I’m not to privy to the technical aspects of what goes into this, so I’ll let the people of 3movs explain their process in their own words: “…we rip most part of our videos ourselves and encode them with H.264 HD codec, so you will not find here shitty quality FLV videos with low resolution.”

Yeah, I have no idea what that means. But, at the very least, I can gather that they take some sort of measure to ensure that there is no sacrifice of video quality. Not all tube sites can say the same, that’s for damn sure. I am always appreciative of a website that goes out of their way to bring users a quality product. So, good for you, 3movs, whatever the fuck that fancy jargon actually means.

On their home page, they go on to let you know that their motto is “What you see is what you get.” “What does that mean?” they go on, “That means that you will never see headline image not even exist in the scene. If we show you an image of a girl having sex in anal cowgirl position then you can be 100% sure that you will see that in the video too.”
